Welcome to
Tek Horizons
Tell Me More


Tech leadership, architect, implement, deploy, and operate complex backend systems applications

Fractional CTO

Planning, review, hiring, roadmap, tech stack

Data Expertise

Professional experience building on a variety of primary datastores and caches: Postgres, MySQL, MongoDB, Memcached, Realm, Redis, Firebase, and Google Cloud Datastore.

Custom Services

Need a custom real time cache capable of supporting geo temporal queries 50x faster than hosted MongoDB? How about horizontally scaling up your real time data architecture? Experience delivering both, and many other custom backend applications

Video Expertise

Delivered when clients required custom high quality video rendering, post processing, or real time video streaming


Experience deploying to a variety of platforms: aws, gcs, heroku, following best security practices using secure tokens, protecting private user information, and configuring full search logging and metrics


Origin story.

  • 1996-2012

    Aerospace Research and Development

    Deep experience delivering solutions to dozens of clients. You know how everyone says this isn't rocket science? Well working with the brilliant team at PRA was rocket science

  • November 2009

    Victus Media

    Designed and developed a natural language parser tied to Amazon ads, powered by relevant terms from social media. Co-founded my first startup by partnering with an insanely talented developer

  • April 2012

    Cameo (Fast Society)

    Delivered a custom video rendering/structured scripting engine. After Cameo was acquired by Vimeo, migrated the rendering system to a fresh native mobile client. Worked with the sharpest, coolest and most creative team executing the impossible

  • November 2015

    Citizen (sp0n LLC)

    Delivered a complete suite of backend services including a RESTful/realtime api, custom video streaming and geospatial apps. Worked with a phenomenal group dedicated towards enhancing public safety

  • September 2017

    Tek Horizons

    Founded a consultancy driven to solve critical business challenges with custom backend solutions.

  • Technical Cofounder from 2017 - May 2023


    Designed and implemented a dynamic travel planner and recommendation engine with a technical and creative wonder team. Deployed a global street travel time estimator and route renderer.

  • The Next
    is Yours


Mark Essel


Contact Me

[email protected]